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Vijnanananda Chikitsa Kendra

Swami Vivekananda coined the term daridra-narayana, God in the form of the poor. He asked his countrymen to serve the poor looking upon them as God. He said: “Where should you go to seek God? Are not all the poor, the miserable, the weak, God? Why not worship them first? Why go to dig a well on the shores of Ganga? Let these people be your God. Think of them, work for them, pray for them incessantly. The Lord will show you the way.”

This concept of ‘service as worship’ defines the outlook of the Ramakrishna Order towards all its social service activities. 

With such a noble ideal, Vijnanananda Chikitsa Kendra (dispensary) renders medical service to men and women irrespective caste, creed or religion. It has Allopathic, Ayurvedic and Homeopathic sections. The dispensary is largely maintained by the voluntary services offered by largehearted doctors / philanthropists. 

The dispensary is mostly visited by the needy & poor patients numbering around 100 – 130 daily.

Timings (Daily):  9.00 am to 1.00 pm 
                                  4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.


    1. General Medicine
    2. E.N.T
    3. Ophthalmology
    4. Dental care
    5. Gynaecology
    6. Neurology
    7. Paediatrics
    8. Dermatology
    9. Orthopaedic
    10. Orthopaedic Spine
    11. Oncology (Scanning and Clinical Diagnosis)
    12. Homeopathy
    13. Ayurveda
    14. General Dressing
    15. Primary Investigation Laboratory

Diagnostics facilities such as X-ray, Ultrasound, blood tests are provided at very affordable rates. 

To commemorate the historic 125th anniversary celebrations of the foundation of Ramakrishna Mission, Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Prayagraj, is organizing yearlong (November - 2023 to November - 2024) free medical consultation to senior citizens (60+ in age) in and around Prayagraj every Saturday (except on holidays).

The Gynaecology department provides services to would-be mothers by giving them information, inspiration and instructions to effectively manage their own physical, emotional and intellectual well-being as well as their to-be-born baby.

Are you a doctor ?

We have an appeal. We call upon interested doctors to participate in this Rogi-Narayana-seva rendered by Vijnanananda Chikitsa Kendra dispensary.  The dispensary depends totally on the voluntary services offered by largehearted doctors. If you are willing to serve poor patients sparing some of your time, you are most welcome.

You may contact Monk-in-charge of our dispensary for more details at the following address:

Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama
Vijnanananda Chikitsa Kendra
Mutthiganj, Prayagraj – 211003 (U.P.)
Mob. No.: 79854 00865

“Inspiration of Seva in the Form of  Medical Service"

The Starting of Organised Medical Service by the Ramakrishna Mission

June 13, 1900. The day had not yet dawned. Jaminiranjan was winding his way through one of the narrow dingy lanes of Varanasi leading to the bathing ghat. A feeble groan caught his ear. Many had already passed that way, but no one had stopped to investigate. But Jaminiranjan did and found an old lady, ill and starved, lying on the road side. As he approached her, she said feebly: “I have not taken anything for four days, my son. Give me some food.”Jaminiranjan lifted the lady and laid her carefully on the verandah of the nearby house, rushed to the bathing ghat, and begged four annas from the first gentleman he met. He purchased some cooked food and fed the old lady and thus saved her life. Thus was sown the seed of dedicated service to God in the form of the poor and the suffering, which was to grow into a mighty banyan tree of a large institution that would render service to thousands of needy.

This old lady was one of the many religious persons who come to spend their last days in the holy city of Kashi — the muktikshetra — and who are reducead to a state of dire poverty and helplessness due to the ruthlessness of man and the irony of fate.

After rendering this emergency help to her, Jaminiranjan went to his friends Haridas, Charuchandra (later Swami Shubhananda), Kedarnath (later Swami Achalananda), and others, and gave them an account of what had happened. A band of young men with Charuchandra as the leader had already formed a study circle with the aim of realising God in the light of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda. They collected donations and managed to admit the lady to the hospital. The new group now decided upon future action: service to the poor, the needy, the destitute, and the sick. They organised themselves into an association and named it ‘Home of Relief’. They searched for the needy on the roadside, in lanes and by-lanes, and arranged for their relief by sending some to the hospital, and giving food and clothing to others. A patient of typhoid fever was the first patient to be accommodated in Kedarnath’s house and nursed by them. Soon the need for more spacious accommodation for patients was felt and a small house was rented for five rupees a month. A small out-patient homoeopathic dispensary was also started. One room was for hospital patients, and the dispensary was also the office and the bedroom of two full-time workers — Charuchandra and Jaminiranjan.

Soon the enthusiasm, dedication, and indefatigable labour of the young men attracted the attention and sympathy of prominent citizens, on whose advice the first general meeting of the association was held on 5 September 1900, at which it was renamed ‘The Poor Men’s Relief Association.’ Within six months the hospital and out-patient relief work increased so much that a more spacious house at Dashaswamedha Road had to be rented, which was later shifted to a bigger house in Ramapura in 1901. Within eighteen months 330 men and 334 women received treatment.

In February 1902, when Swami Vivekananda visited Varanasi, he was highly pleased by the work done by the association. However, he advised them to change the name to ‘Home of Service’, for, as he said:

Who are you to render relief? You can only serve. The pride of rendering relief leads to ruin… How arrogant it is on the part of a man to think another lower and humbler than himself ? Service and not mercy should be your guiding principle — service to man, the image of God.

He turned to Charuchandra and said:

Regard every pice collected for the poor as your life-blood. Such noble work can be carried on properly and permanently only by those who have renounced everything.

Swamiji wrote an appeal to the public on behalf of the Home of Service, which accompanied the first report of the Home in 1902. Swamiji also instructed Swami Brahmananda to keep a watch on the organisation. With the latter’s approval and by a resolution of the managing committee of the Home of Service, the association was affiliated to the Ramakrishna Mission and came to be known by its present name, ‘Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service’, on 23 September 1903.

Charitable Homeopathy Dispensary

Following the same tradition, in October 1910, Swami Vijnananandaji Maharaj started a Sevashrama and opened a Charitable Homoeopathy Dispensary where medicines and medical advices were given free to poor patients, irrespective of caste, creed and other differences, at Allahabad. The medicines were also supplied at their houses in case they were quite incapable to come to the dispensary and had none to help them.

Services Provided by the Charitable Dispensary

The charitable dispensary has been in existence from the time of inception of the Ashrama. It has both homeopathy and allopathy departments.