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Youth Convention 

Observance of National Youth Day: 

The birth day of Swami Vivekananda is observed as National Youth Day in India. The occasion is celebrated by organizing a host of programmes and activities on various themes aimed at inspiring youth for nation building and instilling in them the spirit of youth as embodied in the life of Swami Vivekananda. Like the rest of the country, Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Allahabd  too celebrates the National Youth Day with full enthusiasm and focuses its efforts on promoting voluntarism. 

Relevance of National Youth Day: 

Youth is the most important segment of any society. For any country to progress and prosper, it is imperative that the country’s youth is motivated and inspired. Towards this objective, National Youth Day is celebrated each year – to encourage and inspire the youth of the India, and to infuse them in them the spirit of nationalism and voluntarism. Youth from grassroot level NGOs, schools and colleges actively participate in ours programmes organized on the occasion of Youth Day.

In our National Youth Day Celebration  more than 1000 student of different schools and colleges take part in this whole day programme. The august presence of eminent speakers of renowned organization make the programme more attractive. This beautiful celebration is crowned by a gorgeous rally by the students of different schools.