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 Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Allahabad is one of the oldest branch centre of Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, Howrah, West Bengal. As you know, Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Math, is an internationally reputed charitable organisation established by Swami Vivekananda and Allahabad branch was established by Swami Vijnananandaji  Maharaj, one of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna Deva in the year 1910.

The Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Allahabad provide opportunities for the public to cooperate in carrying out various types of work chalked out by Swami Vivekananda for serving humanity. This cooperation may consist in active participation in the activities of the Mission, or in the contribution to the different Funds of the Math and the Mission. Admirers and devotees, who are in sympathy with the objects of the twin organizations but are unable to take part in our activities, are cordially invited to help us by contributing to one or more of the Funds, which need their active support.

Donation to Ramakrishna Math Prayagraj, (Allahabad) from donors within India

If you wish to donate for a specific cause such as Temple activities, Service to monastics etc, please intimate us  through e-mail or letter addressed to:

The Adhyaksha,
Ramakrishna Math
Vijnanananda Marg
Mutthiganj, Prayagraj (Allahabad) – 211 003
Uttar Pradesh, INDIA

 For details about the various activities, visit the activities page.
Donations for above mentioned activities may be contributed either through A/c payee cheque/draft that will be thankfully accepted and acknowledged. Cheques/drafts may kindly be drawn in favour of “Ramakrishna Math, Allahabad”.

Donation to Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Prayagraj (Allahabad) from donors within India

If you wish to donate for a specific cause such as Magh- Kumbha mela activities, Charitable Dispensary etc. please intimate us  through e-mail or letter addressed to:

The Secretary,
Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama
Vijnanananda Marg
Mutthiganj, Prayagraj (Allahabad) – 211 003
Uttar Pradesh, INDIA

For details about the various activities, visit the activities page.

  1. Kumbha Mela & Magh Mela : maintenance of free medical services, religious discourses, exhibitions, book stall, shrine and pilgrims’ accommodation facilities etc. every year
  2. Charitable dispensary : free treatment for poor and needy patients including medicine
  3. Computer Training Centre : free and part free in course fee for poor & needy students
  4. Welfare/Relief work : free distribution of garments, saris, blankets, utensils, food, item etc.
  5. Maintenance of Library: maintenance of library for students & general public.
  6. Children Development Project: free coaching and distribution of necessary items to 100  poor students from slum areas
  7. Value Education and Personality Development: free grooming for the youth and students to build their character
  8. Land & Building Fund : maintenance & development of  buildings, auditorium, library etc.

Donations for above mentioned activities may be contributed either through A/c payee cheque/draft that will be thankfully accepted and acknowledged. Cheques/drafts may kindly be drawn in favour of “Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Allahabad”.
N.B. We are not receiving any grant for recurring expenses, either from State Government or from the Government of India for the centre. We are fully dependent on donation from well wishers, devotees, trusts and general public.
Income Tax Exception for Donations within India 
Donations to the Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama, Allahabad are exempt from Income Tax Under Section 80-G(5)(vi)of the IT Act 1961. Please send your Pan No: along with your Donation. Our PAN No is AAAAR1O77P.

Memorial Fund
If any donor wishes to perpetuate the memory of his/her loving one, he/she may do so by contributing a suitable sum amount against any one of the plans of our overall project mentioned above. Interested donors are requested to make inquiries in this regard.
We earnestly solicit to all kind hearted people, devotees, well wishers, banks, public and private trusts, businesses organizations, industrial and corporate houses to come forward and help us generously towards maintaining the math & mission  activities.
Yours in the Lord,

(Swami Akshayananda)
Ramakrishna Math &Ramakrishna Mission Sevashrama
Prayagraj (Allahabad)